Do you like to organize books? Didn't most of us readers grow up wanting to work in a library, just so we could be around all those books all day long? That would be like a chocolate lover working in a candy factory or a person obsessed with roses working in a flower shop. Not everyone who likes to organize books ends up a librarian or even a library assistant, of course. But most of us love to read enough that we end up with our own little libraries.
Ask most readers, at least most organizationally minded ones, and we'll tell almost the same story. We'll talk about that small shelf of childhood books that would be arranged by the size of the book. Later, it was arranged by subject matter. Then alphabetically. Then by color, or author.
To organize books just came natural for many big readers, as books were just a familiar thing like a well-played musical instrument. We understood them, and trusted them, and they felt good in our hands-and they felt good in our minds. So we kept reading.
Adulthood can take a toll on any childhood passion, though. Some of those super-duper Sunday afternoons with a free few hours with nothing to do but play outside and organize books morphed into Sundays spent studying for important exams on Monday. And later they became days spent doing household chores like laundry and cleaning to get everyone ready for work and school on Monday.
We might not have the time anymore to sit and organize books just for fun, but most of us still feel the pull to do so. Probably because it's just tactile time with a book in the hand, even if we can't concentrate enough right at that moment to read it.
Why not take a little time out of your next least-busy-day-of-the-week day and go play with your books for while? Whether it's been a long time since you sat down with one, or you read one at lunch today, to read books and to organize books take very different parts of your concentrate. Reading tends to become a whole, full experience for book lovers, where organizing books doesn't go quite so deep.
That's not to say it's not incredibly fun and satisfying, though. To organize books is to look at the books you own, the books you've read, those great novels you plan on reading, and bring the whole world of fiction and make-believe back in front of your eyes for a while.
Organize Books with the Perfect Software
A great way to make it even more fun it so get the best software to organize books and you'll be finished with the least fun part before you know it, and have more time to browse and take some relaxing time to enjoy yourself. Good book software is one of those time-saving items that actually delivers what it promises-a great way to organize books that lets you enjoy them more and spend less time on the tedious stuff.
Try to install our All My Books program. We hope you'll enjoy it! Download Now!
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