The Film Organizer to Admire

Film Organizer

How to choose a cool film organizer?

It's a really tough question considering how many film organizers we've got these days. There are hundreds, but how to choose a film organizer you are going to admire? That's a dilemma, because...

... not all film organizers are equally good for you!

Let me tell you some words about one of the leaders in movie organizing industry - All My Movies. It is the movie organizing software which picks up movie info from online movie databases, automatically catalogues your movies and keeps an eye on them carefully. This program has been around for a few years already and is very popular among movie fans all over the world, but there are some really exciting features you should know about.

Organizing films with All My Movies has got 5 times easier!

To start with, this film organizer has many ways to add movies - by title, using the bar code scanner, directly from your hard drive or your DVD or Blu-Ray. Or, if you have already tried to catalogue your movies, you can even import the database from Excel or text file. So, starting to work with the program is really easy - no effort needed. At that you get extended cast details, films genres, studio, technical characteristics, brief description and even screenshots. So, any moment you can get full and 100% updated info about your favourite actor or director. All that is left for you is having fun and enjoying your movies!

Make your film collection look just awesome - on the screen and on paper

If the present state of your movie collection leaves much to be desired, you are sure to appreciate All My Movies and the opportunities it offers. You can choose from numerous templates; you're welcome to put all your films on a Virtual Shelf and start your movies right from the film organizer - just by double clicking.

If you want it to look great on paper as well, here you are! The program gives you a chance to print the whole collection and separate film cards. And it's only up to you which info you will include.

Catalog TV series with numerous episodes in seconds!

Are you a big fan of Hugh Laurie and House M.D. series? This smart film organizer will fulfill all the episode titles and descriptions, leaving nothing to do for you. Again you associate the program with the episode file and watch them all directly from All My Movies.

Need to limit access to your database and protect your films?

Okay! Just set the password for the database and nobody will enter it without your permission. At the same time you may easily share your collection with friends, having uploaded it to your website or a mobile device.

So, the program's cataloging and entertaining opportunities are just huge! Jump at them and you will never want to use any other film organizer!

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Our customer say

All My Movies - Lifesaver
"I have a Collection of over 2700 movies and All My Movies has been a lifesaver keeping track of my collection and very easy software to use."
- Rating: 4.7 -

10 Reasons why should you use All My Movies as your film organizer software