How to Delete Duplicate Images Fast

Are you more and more worried about the growing number of duplicates in your photo collection? Have you tried to get rid of them but failed? If you answered "yes" at least once, you are sure to like the idea of getting a digital assistant which is going to delete duplicate images fast and carefully. Look more closely at the new promising software Image Comparer!
No special skills needed to start working with Image Comparer immediately!
Yeah, it's true! Working with this program doesn't require any special knowledge and you may start using it the very minute you've installed it. Its user-friendly interface and the built-in wizard will take you through the whole process of deleting duplicate images easily and fast!
How does Image Comparer work?
Well, Image Comparer does all the routine work of deleting duplicate images automatically, that's why it takes so little time of yours. At the very beginning you just point where your photos are located on the hard drive and the software starts analyzing and comparing it. At that it doesn't matter at all which format your photos are, whether they are high-quality or not - the program takes into account only content. It carefully analyzes the content, works wonders even with all-too-similar ones and masterly identifies the difference. It even highlights the difference between similar photos so that it could be obvious for you.
What do you get as a result of comparison?
Having analyzed and compared the images you've got in your collection, the program provides you with the results. Similar photos are shown in pairs with the differences highlighted and similarity level specified. All you have to do now is to look through the complete duplicates and similar photos and check the ones that you don't need. Or you may rely on the program to choose the files with worse quality and delete duplicate images forever. In a couple of clicks. Quickly and efficiently. For all directories at once.
With Image Comparer you forget these problems once and for all!
The thing is that Image Comparer has an excellent memory - so, never again will you face such problems, because every time you add new photos to your collection, the Image Comparer will compare them with those in your collection and inform you if there are any duplicates in store. It's extremely convenient, because the problem of deleting duplicate images is not going to bother you anymore.
Give Image Comparer a 30-day "test-drive" and don't hesitate to make your choice!
Related pages:
- Digital Image Comparison
- What Picture Compare Software Can Do
- Decluttering Your Life with Image Matching Software
- Ways to Avoid Picture Comparison Software
- How to Make Image Collection Dupeless
- Duplicate Photos - Image Overload?
- Benefits of Image Comparison Software
- World Travelers Need an Image Organizer
- How to Delete Duplicate Images Fast
- Photo Comparison Software
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