Movie Library? Software You'll Love!

Movie Library

What's the difference

between any old movie collection and a REAL movie collection? Well if you own 2 old VHS tapes but can't remember what's on them, technically that's a collection of sorts I guess but the real thing would involve a large number of movies collected by someone who knows what they have. The problem is that once it gets really large even the most dedicated collector can start to forget key details!

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Next question: What's the difference between a movie collection and a movie library? If a private movie library there is no actual obligation to lend out your movies, though it can certainly be a feature. The real key difference between a collection and a library is organization of data.

Just a collection of movies - or a movie library?

Here's 7 questions that help answer that question:

Do you actually call it your "movie library"? If so, score 6 points!

How many movies do you have from the year 1998? If you don't know, lose a point.

Which movies in your library start with the letter M? Don't know? Lose a point.

What percentage of your movie library are comedies? Not sure? Lose another point.

Your friend says he cannot remember if he borrowed some movie a few months ago or not. Can you prove he did with a record of the title, format and the date he borrowed it? If not, lose 2 points!

Your significant other claims you don't like romance movies. Without physically counting, how many romance movies do you have? Lose or gain one point.

The bonus question - can you immediately bring up a whole heap of details about any of your movies, from the year of production to the main actor's birthday? If so congratulations, for you're either connected to and surfing the internet - or you're a true movie librarian!

If you scored less than 6 points, it's just a movie collection, which is fine as it goes but it's not really a movie library. If you scored 6 points then either you already have or you really need some movie library software!

The internet is a great place to find data but applying it to your very own library is a completely different ball game. That's where All My Movies by Bolide Software comes into its own. This movie library software has come to dominate its niche with a combination of being user friendly, affordable and most importantly, specially designed for movies!

If you're proud of your movies or just want to get your collection truly organized, do what librarians have been doing for centuries - create a library! This time not for books but for movies, a movie library, for all your movies!

Do not forget to DOWNLOAD THE FREE DEMO OF All My Movies and turn your collection into a true movie library today. No library ticket required!

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Our customer say

All My Movies - Great program
"Wow, I'm really impressed with All My Movies! All my DVD/Bluray discs are ripped onto my HTPC hard drive. I went to Tools and chose Scan Drive For Movies and all 129 movies were cataloged. It wasn't long before I figured out how to gather covers and all the info about all my movies; all done with the click of a mouse. This is a very visual pleasing, mouse friendly, program. I downloaded several programs, both free and not. This is heads and shoulders above the rest. One of the best things about All My Movies is that by double clicking on the picture of the movie it automatically launches the default media player and plays it. Everything else seemed pretty intuitive."
- Rating: 4.6 -