E-Book Library Software
Diet Software Guru loves All My Books E-Book Library Software

As a keen advocate for using software where possible it occurred to me that perhaps I could find some suitable software for my massive book and e-book library.
I have over 150 e-books on diets and bodybuilding and have previously used multi file searching and the crude technique of just dumping all such books into a single folder, for "easy searching". Not!
Rather than the hassle of creating my own e-book library I thought I'd sniff around for existing programs and ended up finding more e-book library programs than I expected. Only one of them though jumped out as being slick, polished, professional and most importantly, flexible and easy to use.
I get a lot of questions regarding diets and nutrition, as well as exercise techniques, workouts etc. Biggly, my own diet software was created because I wasn't happy with anything else out there. I thought I would be in the same situation when it came to organizing my own e-book library but "All My Books" saved the day nicely. Now when I get a question such as "Who says you should taper your calories on a diet?" or similar I can easily search through my own notes and other data associated with each book. It's easy to create categories of my own choosing, such as diet, then sub categories such as low carb, high calorie bulking etc.
Originally the intention was to use it only for e-books, but I've since made a complete library of my bodybuilding books in print plus my wife has been busy doing the same with her work stuff from Uni.
I rarely write reviews or endorsements but All My Books gets two thumbs up.
Things I liked:
- Can link to original files and websites
- Was able to easily import my previous efforts with MS Excel
- Controls are simple but comprehensive
- Can create separate databases, so I don't have to wade through my wife's stuff
- Stable and problem free
- Can suck data from Goodreads and other sources
- Can edit sucked data
- Slick interface
What I didn't like:
Nothing. The more I use it the more I like it.
Finally, great e-book manager program for everyone.
If you are interested in using All My Books, please read the detailed article on cataloging e-books in the program.
Our customer say
"It's really cheerful again and again to work with this amazing program. I love it."
Detlef Robrahn - Rating: 4.9 -
E-book formats supported: FB2, FB2.ZIP, LRF (Sony Reader), PDF, DjVu, LIT, MOBI (Kindle format), PRC, PDB, EPUB, RB (RocketBook), AZW, AZW2
Paid Version Benefits:
- FREE technical support
- FREE minor version updates
- No time limits
- No nag screens
- No feature limits