Image Comparer command line version
Image Comparer is a smart utility for image similarity estimation.
Furthermore, Image Comparer can identify duplicate images, even if they are of different size and resolution setting. The program's unique algorithm can also identify similar images, specifying their degree of similarity; 100% means the two images are identical, 95% means that one of the images was probably altered and so on.
You can evaluate the quality of our unique comparison algorithm and the processing speed with our trial version of Image Comparer, available for download here.
A command-line version of Image Comparer is also available as a console application, and can be used in batch image processing, on web sites, or in any other way you wish.
Image Comparer command-line version is commercial software, and for legal reasons has to be registered to get actual similarity percentage values. Unregistered versions will return a "-1" value as a similarity percentage. You can download unregistered version here.
You will be provided with the download link and registration key within 24 hours of the payment being processed. If you have any questions, we strongly recommend you to contact us before paying! |
Contact us to buy for $149 |
>ic.exe [first object] [second object] [options]
The comparison object can be a single image file, a text file with the image file names or folder containing images.
Supported file extensions are: BMP, JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, TXT, and LST.
If both comparison objects are specified, the comparison will be done between the two groups of images, and no comparison will be run inside each group.
If only one object is specified, comparison will be done among these images, unless this object is a single image file.
Options list:
-O:output file - specifies comparison results file. By default, standard output device is used.
-E:error log - specifies error log file. By default, errors are not displayed.
-V - verbose mode. Can be used for debugging purposes.
-R - include subfolders. Valid when folder with images is specified.
-F - use this option if the majority of your images are similar. This will turn off rough estimate for the unsimilar images rejecting.
As an output, you'll get a semicolon delimited list of image pairs and their similarity percentage. An example of such a list is shown below:
-=======- Cut -=======- Ara0248_Dorman.jpg;0062_Dave_Dorman.jpg;44 Ara0248_Dorman.jpg;dave_dorman_the_cow_thief.jpg;18 Ara0248_Dorman.jpg;jp_dorman_always_jpg.jpg;32 0062_Dave_Dorman.jpg;dave_dorman_the_cow_thief.jpg;51 0062_Dave_Dorman.jpg;jp_dorman_always_jpg.jpg;63 dave_dorman_the_cow_thief.jpg;jp_dorman_always_jpg.jpg;40 -=======- Cut -=======-
ic.exe myphoto19.jpg 2005.txt -O:clog.txt
compares the image from the file "myphoto19.jpg" with the each image in the file names list "2005.txt", and saves the results to a file named "clog.txt".
ic.exe myphoto19.jpg D:\photo\2005 -R
compares the image from file "myphoto19.jpg" with each supported image in folder "D:\photo\2005", including all subfolders, and shows results in the command line output.
ic.exe D:\photo\2004 D:\photo\2005 -R
compares each supported image from the folder "D:\photo\2004" with each supported image in the folder "D:\photo\2005". All supported images, from all subfolders, are included too. The results are shown in standard output.
ic.exe mypic1.jpg mylogo.png -E:err.log
compares the image "mypic1.jpg" with the image "mylogo.png", and displays results in the command line output. All error messages are saved to a file named "err.log".
ic.exe D:\photo\2004\*.jpg -O:comparison.log
compares all JPEG images from the folder "D:\photo\2004" with each other, and saves the results to a file named "comparison.log".
ic.exe list.txt
compares images listed in the file "list.txt" with each other, and shows results in the command line output.
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Our customer say
"I have been a happy user of Image Comparer for several months already and like it a LOT!!!! You see earlier I used to spend hours comparing photographs and choosing the best! And when I tried Image Comparer, I was thrilled with the speed!!! It's awesome!!! Thank you!"
Roy Cox - Rating: 4.6 -