E-Book Catalog Software
The E-Book Catalog Software You've Been Waiting For!

Racking your brains over a better way to organize your far-from-being-slim e-book collection? Having difficulty finding the book you need? Fed-up with all-too-messy database? Chin up! There's really gorgeous ebook catalog software you'll love! All My Books is easy-to-use and really mighty software. It is sure to organize your book library strikingly fast and easily. Look, it picks up info about books from various online databases as soon as you enter the book title. So, it helps you to manage your book library effortlessly and offers you a bunch of functions vital for every ebook collection. As simple as that!
Create Your Personal E-Book Catalog
First of all, this e-book cataloging software handles all known book types - e-books, audiobooks, traditional paper books and what not. And it does matter for a genuine book addict - your bookshelves must be heaped with old paper books meant for reading in bed, the hard drive overloaded with audiobooks and e-books... Sounds familiar, right? So, All My Books is trained to deal with all possible book formats. By the way, it also allows you to start your digital books right from the program and that's really wonderful!
Secondly, it helps you to be flexible - import and export your book collection into different formats, get it to your mobile device and have a 24-hour access and control over your adorable e-book library due to network access mode. It's really valuable, I'd say, considering our present pace of living. Then, this ebook catalog program has innovative search functions, allowing you to find a book within seconds, no matter how huge your collection is. Sorting and grouping as well as quick filters are done in the program in various ways and make the program a versatile tool for extensive and multi-format collections.
Another thing to mention this e-book catalog software is that it has absolutely amazing view modes available. It's up to you to choose whether you want it to be presented in the form of a book list or use Virtual Shelf mode available in different variants. You can even further personalize your collection by setting personal marks and flags and having chosen the skin and templates you like. You're also welcome to print whole book collection as well as separate book cards and make a nice book album! Add to the cards any fields you feel necessary and enjoy reading!
Best E-Book Catalog Software
All My Books is really a treasure trove for people who often lend books and don't want to lose them. The e-book cataloging software has an intelligent loan manager. It won't let you lose a single book, since it masterly keeps track of all book movements in your library. A great help is a number of directories in the program. Here you can keep info about your friends, as well as authors and books locations. So, nothing was left to chance by the developers.
Try this delicious e-book manager software for free - your bonny collection does deserve it!
If you are interested in using All My Books, please read the detailed article on cataloging e-books in the program.
Our customer say
"We downloaded this software after reviewing a myriad of other application on this subject. My wife and I are ( and have been ) avid readers and collectors over the years and both amassed quite a large collection of books. We recently built a library in our living room and wanted something to record what we actually HAVE in our collection. After just half an hour of downloading the demo of this software, we immediately purchased it. The interface is VERY user friendly, the ISBN input makes recording your book EXTREMELY easy, fast, and utterly complete (including a synopsis of what the book is actually about)."
Kel & Sue Lambright - Rating: 4.5 -
E-book formats supported: PDF, DjVu, FB2, FB2.ZIP, LRF (Sony Reader), LIT, MOBI (Kindle), PRC, PDB, EPUB, RB (RocketBook), AZW, AZW2
Paid Version Benefits:
- FREE technical support
- FREE minor version updates
- No time limits
- No nag screens
- No feature limits